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Lillian Rosa

writer, director, producer, graduate from the Academy of Media Arts Cologne, lives in Berlin. Her award-winning work focuses around documentaries for theatrical release, TV and Internet, the films were shown at various international Festivals. Bringing projects with sociopolitical topics to live is her passion. She is a guest lecturer at Universities and speaker at panel discussions.

Since 2021 she’s been a doctoral candidate for a part-time scientific-artistic PhD at the Film University Babelsberg Konrad-Wolf. Her topic is social impact documentaries.

Lillian Rosa is a member of AG DOK and GIPA (The Global Impact Producers Alliance).

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0049 179 7304690   |

References and partners


Villa Aurora, Tate Gallery of Modern Art, Hof International Film Festival, Silbersalz Festival, Alpha Pup Records, Low End Theory Club, Daddy Kev, Flying Lotus, FAVO Film GmbH, Signed Media Produktion, mindjazz-pictures, Arte TRACKS, Arte, SWR, WDR, ZDF/3Sat, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), University of Vienna, University of Kent, Kulturprojekte Berlin, FUTURZWEI, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Rat für Nachhaltige Entwicklung, Goethe Institut Los Angeles, Open State of Politics, Gartower Oktobergespräche, Sea-Watch, Fossil Free, Deutsche Wohnen & Co enteignen!, Extinction Rebellion, MFG Filmförderung Baden-Württemberg, BKM, Kultur & Schule NRW, Deutscher Jugendvideopreis, Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, Oper Stuttgart, Oper Köln, Die Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen, The Opera Platform, Arte Concert, Naxos, EuroArts, Unitel Classica, Porsche, Smart, BMW, Fisherman´s Friends, Panasonic, ZF Friedrichshafen AG, Tirendo, ip.labs, ERV, Liganova, focus 4, Publicis Pixelpark, Hochbahn Hamburg, Mutter & Vater,

Scholz & Friends, BBDO Berlin, Studio Shan Blume, Phase 7, dot Gruppe

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